Will Dental Implants Procedure Be More Painful Than The Extraction?

When a patient considers a dental implant with dental implant machine for the first time, the most frequent question asked of the oral surgeon is how much pain is involved in the procedure. Patients often want to know if implant placement is more painful than tooth extraction, which is an operation that they have had experienced. Although there is no succinct answer, since everyone has different sensory pains and the surgery is very personal, most patients report that they feel less discomfort during the implantation procedure than the extraction procedure.


Most patients experience minimal discomfort during simple implant placement due to the administration of anesthesia during the implantation procedure. Patients undergoing bone grafting or other complementary surgery may feel more uncomfortable than ordinary simple implanted patients, and some surgical techniques result in more discomfort than others.

However, these are factors that oral surgeons consider when planning anesthesia to provide maximum comfort to the patient. Anesthesia can be topical or general, and depending on the specific needs of each patient, various sedation methods from oral sedation to intravenous sedation are commonly used in patients who are particularly sensitive to pain or tend to be nervous or anxious during dental procedures.

The pain and discomfort after placement of the dental implant is usually comparable to the aftereffects of other common dental procedures. Since the incision is made in the gum during the operation, there may be slight bleeding at the site of implantation after the operation, and it may disappear due to the influence of anesthesia, and usually there may be some pain or discomfort within 2 to 4 hours after the operation. Some patients have minor bruises on the gums and/or face, especially those with bone grafts, as well as swelling in these areas. In most cases, basic analgesics such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen or codeine are sufficient to relieve postoperative discomfort.

Just relax and lie on the dental chair(with Dental Chair Led Light) and hand over the next work to your dentist. They will not make you too uncomfortable. We just need to know that there will be some discomfort during and after the dental implant procedure, do not need to be too nervous to magnify the discomfort.



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