Why are bright dental lights important for school-based dental sealant programs?

Bright dental lights are important for school-based dental sealant programs, because the lighting in the room where the program is located may be poor. The intensity of dental lights can be assessed by comparing the foot candles of light they produce (a unit of measure of the intensity of light falling on a surface). Operator acceptance, cost, weight, adjustability, ease of bulb replacement, and cost of bulbs are also important considerations. The heat generated from the light is a consideration as well, since school-based dental sealant programs often are located in spaces without air conditioning.
Why are bright dental lights important for school-based dental sealant programs?

Three commonly used dental lights in school based-dental sealant programs are halogen, fiber optic, and light-emitting diode (LED).

Halogen lights provide a bright and even illumination, are easily focused, and are inexpensive to replace compared to fiber optic and LED dental lights. Halogen lights emit a lot of heat and need to be replaced every 3–6 months. Care must be taken not to touch halogen bulbs, as they need to heat evenly. Traces of oil left from fingerprints can cause uneven heating and decrease bulb life.

Fiber optic lights also provide a bright and even illumination. However, they are costly, and care must be taken when transporting them, as they can be easily damaged. If the bundles in the light’s arm are bent too far or mishandled, they can break, which reduces the intensity of the light over time.

LED lights produce a true white light that is up to 40 percent brighter than the light from halogen lamps. LED lights are energy-efficient and produce no heat in the beam, which improves the comfort of staff and students. LED lights are expensive to replace, but they have a 12- to 25-year life.

Portable dental lights are available in multiple configurations. The three most common are lights that are mounted dental lights to a stand, headband, or on a dental loupe.

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